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Anna María Calderón

Anny has a bachelor’s in Biology with an Ecology and Evolution emphasis from the University of California, Merced. As an undergrad, she was involved in a variety of conservation related projects. Anny is currently a PhD student at Penn State and is interested in combining genomic tools and population modeling techniques to study migration, population structure, and dynamics to predict how birds will respond to changes in their habitat. In her spare time, Anny enjoys swimming, dancing, and watching sci-fi movies and shows. 

Ana V. Leon Apodaca
Vice-President and Treasurer

Ana has a bachelor’s in Biotechnology Engineering from the National Polytechnic  Institute (IPN) in Mexico. As an undergrad, she was involved in a variety of research projects related to molecular biology and genomics. Ana is currently a PhD student at Penn State and her research interest is understanding how population history has influenced the distribution of complex traits within and between populations. In her spare time, Ana enjoys reading, watching Netflix, and spending time with friends. 

Meet the Science Ambassadors

Our science ambassadors work with High School teachers to come up with a presentation and activity that showcases DNA and its uses!

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